Anyone can do it: Ken Ward #ExxonKnew protest in Portland, Oregon

Ken Ward #ExxonKnew Protest

On Monday, Nov. 16, inspired by recent Bill McKibben's #ExxonKnew protest, I blocked a gas pump at a Mobil station in NE Portland, Oregon for about an hour before being arrested. This video by Lindsey Grayzel follows the action and arrest and we hope will encourages others to take such action.



Photos / Tweets from Bill's #ExxonKnew protest:


Showing 3 reactions

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  • David O'Hara
    commented 2016-01-09 11:32:26 -0500
    Thank you Ken.!

    The best part of Ken’s video is when the police officer picks up the sign saying “Exxon/Mobil unparalleled EVIL” and displays it on the pump guard!

    Yours for a fair wind,

  • Tc Woodruff
    commented 2015-12-18 13:39:26 -0500
    Excellent, Ken!
  • Ken Ward
    published this page in Blog 2015-11-20 15:40:14 -0500