Tim DeChristopher: End All New Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands

On today's episode of Democracy Now! Tim DeChristopher discusses the #KeepItInTheGround campaign and the launch of the new Climate Disobedience Center.

Segment description via Democracy Now!
A coalition of more than 400 organizations have called on the White House to stop issuing new fossil fuel leases on public lands and oceans. More than 67 million acres of public land and ocean are already leased to the fossil fuel industry. The coalition says that declaring unleased oil, gas and coal on public lands as "unburnable" would accomplish more in the global fight against climate change than any other single action taken by the Obama administration. Joining us to discuss the new campaign is climate justice activist Tim DeChristopher. In 2008, DeChristopher spent 21 months in federal prison after he disrupted an oil and gas leasing auction on public land in Utah by posing as a bidder. Tim DeChristopher is now one of the co-founders of the new Climate Disobedience Center, which is among the many organizations calling for the end to all new fossil fuel leases on public lands.

Cross posted on TimDeChristopher.org

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  • Thomas Miller
    commented 2015-09-20 02:35:17 -0400
    Wonderful start! Now let’s figure out how to prevent sale of private mineral rights as well.
  • Joel Richardson
    commented 2015-09-17 14:46:19 -0400
    Yes, A powerful movement and one I encourage everyone to promote, support and take action!
    Great Job Tim!