Michael Foster, Valve Turner and Climate Dissident

The valve turners are producing a series of videos on each of the activists who turned the valves and shut down 15% of the US oil supply on October 11, 2016. Each of them are ordinary individuals with a compelling vision of action in these times of crisis. Michael Foster goes to trial October 2nd in North Dakota.

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  • Seior Sieuu
    commented 2022-05-21 03:36:41 -0400
    Even if they have a wishy-washy, vague statement about sustainability, there’s a chance they’re not that sustainable either. Some brands will use misleading words or phrases to seem sustainable when they actually aren’t, so you should also do outside research and check for third-party certifications in addition to checking a brand’s website. https://dltutuapp.com/tutuapp-download/ https://showbox.run/ https://kodi.software/
  • Barbara Rothkrug
    commented 2017-10-02 11:26:52 -0400
    Very powerful video.