Our Principles

The following are the guiding principles of the Climate Disobedience Center.

We aim to... 

1. Use creative, nonviolent conflict at the point of injury that invokes moral clarity and unmasks the violence of the status quo.

2. Create a community of climate dissidents who are engaged as whole people, bonded by love and trust, who have each other’s backs in this risky work, and who recognize relationships will sustain us now and as the crisis deepens.

3. Nurture our own continuing development of body, mind and spirit in order to live fully in a time of climate crisis.

4. Tell the full truth about ourselves and our world to the best of our understanding.

5. Engage everyone, even our enemies and opponents, with openness, curiosity and humor.

6. Resist the historical oppressions of racism, patriarchy, classism, parochialism and nationalism with humility, vulnerability and courage.

7. Honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person by replacing the dehumanizing systems of our world with relationships of mutuality and respect.

8. Act for people, other species, wild places and the very web of life itself.

9. Grapple with the true questions of fairness, risk and equity confronting our society, with a focus on moral imagination rather than policy and political feasibility.


Updated August 8, 2023


Showing 8 reactions

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  • Leon Johnson
    commented 2019-01-21 14:09:57 -0500
    McChristofer is a brave man, a hero. He made a big sacrifice for his cause. We must not jeopardize it. What we do must get results, however brave or tame are our actions. Above all, we should be careful not to undermine the cause by using it for an ego trip.
    I need to tell you about myself. I’m a semi invalidid and I live in a foster home. My caretakers are Isaa and Joseph Freeman. Leon Johnson
  • Mathew Chen
    commented 2018-05-23 01:23:33 -0400
    Spectacular principles you have especially no. 7 where we must “honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person”, this principle must be applied to each and every one of us to avoid huge conflicts and misunderstandings and stop the spread of hate with our differences. http://www.myoiltankremovalny.com
  • Althea E. Phung Althea E. Phung
    commented 2017-12-05 01:50:33 -0500
    The editor`s note is very good and impressive which says about the beauty and hospitality of the Harvest Inn. I would like say thanks to the http://www.bestassignmentwriting.com/a-straightforward-guide-to-finding-information-for-your-assignment/ blog writers for sharing this blog link with me. I am planning to go for vacation in this summer season. This can help me a lot to choose good one to stay.
  • Althea E. Phung Althea E. Phung
    commented 2017-12-05 01:44:11 -0500
    These principles are good and the organization must take that these principles are strictly followed by everyone in order to make this environment clean and pollution less. I will share this blog link in my http://www.openhazards.com/blogs/jill/help-haiti-links#comments blog article and ask my users to follow these principles.
  • Ana Cardoso Goncalve
    commented 2016-12-02 16:02:00 -0500
    It’s really true:“Use creative conflict to break up business-as-usual, forcing attention to the underlying, fatal conflict between global survival and blind adherence to fossil fuel powered mass consumption, and unrestrained economic growth.”
    #creative http://submission.scielo.br/index.php/aval/comment/view/56763/6077/63
  • Reilly Capps
    commented 2015-09-18 09:45:15 -0400
    This is great. Protesters are allowed inside BLM offices as long as they’re peaceful. But they can make life uncomfortable for the bureaucrats, right?
  • Christopher Young
    commented 2015-09-16 22:31:51 -0400
    This kind of non-violent but determined civil disobedience is what we need to stop the fossil fuel steam roller before irrevocable climate catastrophe. Dr. James E. Hansen and Eric Rignot and 15 other leading scientists warn us that the risk of runaway sea level rise of over several meters by 2100 cannot be ruled out. This is only 1 of dozens of ongoing, irreversible kinds of damage to our habitat from runaway global warming. I hope this group will highlight the ongoing damage to our habitat that the fossil fuel industries are the major culprits behind.
  • Peter Bowden
    published this page in About 2015-09-14 16:01:11 -0400