Support Climate Disobedience Center

We are a small and scrappy organization with a focus: build a strong community of climate dissidents, bonded by the trust and love necessary to take the extraordinary risks we are called to in these times. Your support is essential to strengthening this community and continuing our pro bono work with climate activists and organizing communities. 

RECURRING OR ONE-TIME ONLINE DONATIONS The best way to help us deepen and expand our work is to offer a recurring donation.  Knowing we have your ongoing support greatly assists in our planning. If you are able to make a recurring donation, you can choose monthly, quarterly, or annually. You may also make a one-time donation on this page. All digital payments to Climate Disobedience Center are processed through Flipcause. 

CHECKS If you would like to donate via check, please make out your check to "SocialGood" (our fiscal sponsor) and write "Climate Disobedience Center" in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to CDC, PO Box 20693, Knoxville, TN 37940. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

Your account statement will show a donation to "SocialGood," the Climate Disobedience Center's 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor.

We deeply appreciate all donations, large and small, knowing that abundance comes from community members sharing what they can to support this work. 

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  • Nastasia Lawton-Sticklor
    published this page 2023-11-20 22:11:02 -0500