Support Direct Action and the #SHUTITDOWN Activists

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  • stiven reed
    commented 2021-09-15 02:40:51 -0400
    Hi, please help, write my case brief I have to submit this work by the end of the week, I do not have time to write, so I turn to this service for help.
    I heard only positive feedback.
    Writers work at the highest level and perform quality work
  • Althea E. Phung Althea E. Phung
    commented 2017-10-07 11:46:09 -0400
    This is very good thing to see some people have good conciseness on earth problem and their very much strengthen to face the problem which are caused by injustice people towards nature. I will definitely give my support and post this post link in blog and share it with all the users of the blog.
  • Rebecca MacKenzie
    commented 2016-10-13 08:52:06 -0400
    Thank you, Holy One, for these brave visionaries that share your Light and Love with this tired, weary world desecrated by greed and injustice. Be with us in our struggle to redeem your creation for all your creatures. I pray for a change of heart for our leaders to see the insanity of the inadequate response to climate change and its resulting horrific effects on all creatures on Earth. Peace and Joy for all.
  • David O'Hara
    commented 2016-10-12 22:32:32 -0400
    Well done. Obviously researched so that you knew there would be no negative environmental consequences of your actions. Shame on those who state that you were “lucky” not to have a blow out or other environmental disaster. Thoughts and prayers to those who have put their bodies on the line for the rest of us.
  • Noreen Ringlein
    commented 2016-10-12 17:40:38 -0400
    I shared this information view the interview from Democracy Now. You give me such hope for life and the ability to turn around the massive climate damage that has been done. These ten brave nonviolent protesters are my heroes. As a former Abalone Alliance organizer and blockader at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, I salute your heart felt efforts. I will donate later this month. You are heard, keep this going. .